Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First Meeting of the 2013 and 2014 year!

We held our first meeting of year on Monday September 23! All of us were THRILLED to see so many new students want to get involved in SNEA and make the most of being an education major here at Westfield State! It was also awesome to see some familiar faces come join us again for another year!
At the meeting we did many activities to get SNEA rolling! While eating pizza we discussed what SNEA is and what kinds of workshops and projects we do over the year.  One of our goals for this year is to really build a community between all our members and the board! The board went around said who they were and talked a little about themselves and what their individual roles and projects are. As a refresher this years SNEA board consists of:
- Meaghen Chalmers
        > President
      > Project: Bigs and Littles and many other presidential duties
- Kate Roberts
       > Vice President
- Colleen Macdonald
       > Treasure
       > Project: Kid Zone 
- Alyssa Perry
      > Secretary
      > Project: Benefit walks
- Julie Dabenigno
      > Editor
      > Social Media
      > Project: Apparel
- Laura Smith
      > Historian
      > Project: Homeless Shelter
                         Bulletin Boards
- Katie Thomann
      > Secondary Education Rep
      > Project: Read Across America
- Underclassman Rep
      > A Freshman or Sophomore can run for this position! If you are interested in getting involved run at our next meeting, October 7! You can run with a partner if you want to!
Check out the Meet The Executive Board page on our blog to learn more about this years board members!

To begin building relationships with one another we played a few icebreakers. The first game we played Meaghen asked some questions and if it applied to you, you stood up. This game allowed us all to get to know one another a little bit better. It was also cool to see all the connections between everyone. We also had all our members write down questions, concerns or ideas on index cards. A few were able to be discussed at the meeting but we did  look through all the index cards after the meeting! There were some similarities between the questions about the dreaded MTELS, what classes/professors to take, practicums and student teaching. We have started to plan some of our future meeting around your questions.

This years T-shirt design was showed at the meeting!
 If you are interested in a T-shirt but did not sign up for one don't worry sign ups will be available at the next meeting!

We began the process for our Bigs and Littles mentoring program. Bigs and Littles is a program where a Senior and Sophomore are paired up and a Junior and Freshman are paired up. It is a great program where the Littles get to learn so much about being an education major from the Bigs! You can use each other for support, ask questions and even make a friend! During the meeting you will engage in activities and this year there is also going to be Bigs and Littles outings! If you are interested and did not sign up because you did not get the sheet or could not make the meeting please email Meaghen by next Wednesday! Meaghen's email is

To end the meeting we had a few raffles where some of our members won some great books to start building their classroom library, apparel and a tote!

We could not be more thrilled with how our first meeting went and are very excited for this upcoming year!

Here is the upcoming meeting dates for the fall semester!
October 7
October 21
November 4
November 18
December 2
These are all at 7:00 in the SGA room!
